October 2022 Newsletter
October 2022 Newsletter
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, October 12
6:30 to 8:30 PM
McCallum Room, 4th Floor
Frisco Public Library
6101 Frisco Square Blvd.
Frisco, TX 75034
“I kept always two books in my pocket: one to read, one to write in.” — Robert Louis Stevenson
Our next meeting is October 12th, 6:30-8:30 PM. All are welcome!
Write Club meeting information can be found on the Frisco Library website and on the club’s Facebook page (Frisco Write Club). Our lovely president, Rich Blazevich (richblazevich@gmail.com) also sends out reminders to our members before the month’s meeting!
Our Website: FriscoWriteClub.org
Please visit our website for updates and announcements.
Our Facebook Page: Frisco Write Club | Groups | Facebook
Presentation Topics for October Meeting
This month, Kevin will be presenting on How to Create a Storyline. Having a roadmap for your story can help you get from point A to point B, but how do you make that map? Come hear Kevin’s approach and see how it could help you craft yours.
Member Shoutouts
Some of our members had exciting things happen recently, so let’s celebrate their success!
Jeanette Smith has been published in Jelly Bucket. The piece is called "Working Title," and it's available online (https://www.jellybucket.org/gallery-page-test) or through select Barnes and Noble stores.
Donna Anderson received notification that another Chicken Soup for the Soul submission has been accepted. That makes 3 total (with more to come!).
A game that Shad Miller co-designed won a best of GenCon Award from game friends! The game is based on the comic Harrow County, the game of Gothic Conflict. It won a best of GenCon Award from game friends.
Keith Dennie Jr.’s short film "The Moment" was a semi-finalist at the Dumbo Film Festival, and received an award for best cinematography at the Vesuvius International Film Festival.
Additional Special Announcements
Jennifer Evans and Jeanette Smith are offering a service called Compass Call. The way it works is they read 50 pages (12,500 words) of your writing, copyedit 10 pages (2500 words), provide an editorial diagnosis, and jump on a 1-hour call for discussion and questions. The discounted price for that for Write Club members is $350.
Jeanette is also planning on starting up a critique group soon. Writers will be grouped into pods of 3-4 people based on genre and/or where they are in the writing process. Communication will likely happen through Slack, where people can share documents and hold discussions. There will be a cap of 3,000 words per piece to keep things manageable. Post your page on Monday and comments will be back by Sunday (or something along those lines, depending on what the group decides).
If you are interested, email your name, email, the genre you write in, and genres you read to jeanette@jeanettethewriter.com.
Looking to enter a short story competition?
Presentation Format for Members Presenting Work for Critique:
Writers: Send your document to Jennifer Evans at dallaswestie@gmail.com prior to the meeting which include the following:
title of your document
your name
your email address (optional)
Add line numbers to your document (Go to Layout, then Line Numbers, then Continuous)
Limit your document to 500 words (approx. 2 pages) for time constraints. Each reader will be given 10 minutes to present and receive feedback.
Jennifer will post documents to this Google Drive folder.
Critiquers may download documents, make comments, and provide feedback during the meeting.
Critiquers may send comments to writers who provide their email address.
If the writer doesn’t provide an email address, critiquers may send edited doc to Jennifer who will forward to author.
Find additional information about critiques on our website.
Blogs from Our Members
John Alexander: www.alexandernovels.com/blog
Fergal O’Donnell: https://proconnesus.com and www.facebook.com/proconnesus (author blog)
Derek Blount: www.DerekBlount.com (author blog)
Carolyn Lis: www.NorthTexasRamblings.com (local sights and attractions)
Becky Michael: https://platformnumber4.com/ (author blog)
Linda Baten Johnson: www.lindabatenjohnson.com (includes Heirloom of Faith Blog)
Jennifer Evans - Jennifer Evans - Professional Editing and Proofreading (jmfeditor.com) Jennifer's services as a professional editor, her book, and tips for writing
Morgan Kosinski - Blog – Makrosmic Morgan's blog with personal essays, book reviews, erotic literature, and more
Rich Blazevich - Blog - Self Publishing Fast Lane Rich's blog with tips for writing and self-publishing books..